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Free Job aptitude and Job assessment tests

Free Job aptitude and Job assessment tests

If you're not sure what kind of job you want or what you want to do next in your career, use our Career Aptitude Test to narrow down your career options and find a career path that aligns with your interests, skills and values. You can choose. personality.

Taking a career test is a bit like playing what you want to be when you grow up. But with a twist. The kicker is that career tests don't just give you the chance to dream what you want to do.

They can give you a concrete idea of ​​what you are best suited for. They can help you understand the type of environment and work that will help you grow as a person.

View information about how job assessments can help you choose a career, what they measure, and try free assessments you can use to learn more about the best jobs for you.

Article Key

  • Job assessments help narrow career options and explore career opportunities.
  • Most job aptitude tests ask questions about your interests, values, and desired tasks, and then provide information about possible careers.
  • Taking a career test can be a good starting point for learning about different types of jobs that are suitable for your next career step.

What is Job Assessment?

Job assessment is a way to learn about career opportunities that may match your skills, interests and values.

There are several types of assessments that can help you determine which types of careers you are interested in and which are not.

Most assessment tools ask questions about what you like and dislike, what kind of work environment you are comfortable with, how your personality fits into different jobs, and suggest suitable careers.

A career aptitude test won't give you a definitive answer as to what the best job is for you, but it will give you options to explore and help you narrow down your career interests.

How Career Tests Help

When looking for your first job or considering a career change, it's much easier when you already know what you want to do.

There is various free career his tests and quizzes on interests, values ​​and skills, but finding a test that covers all the elements is not essential.


Please note that some tests are not scientifically validated. However, they are quick and easy to create and can provide insight into the type of work you want to investigate.

Spend some time doing some tests and quizzes to see what kind of results you get. Then compare the job options obtained to determine which ones are worth further consideration.

Free career test

The tests below are available online for free and are a good starting point to identify your next career.

123 Occupational Aptitude Test

This popular aptitude test can help you gain insight into the careers that best suit your personality. Learn more about the work environment and career type that best suits you by choosing the activities that appeal most and least interest you. Allow 5-10 minutes for the test to complete.

Career explorer

CareerExplorer is a free platform for users to assess their interests, personality types, skills, career values, preferred work and social environments to find matches that lead to fulfilling careers. series of answers Once clicked; the rating will suggest a career. You will have about 30 minutes to fill out the questions.

Detailed information is available for each proposed career option. In addition, users can browse occupations by clusters such as Health & Nutrition, Law, Arts & Entertainment, Animals, Food & Drink, Politics & Law, Sports, Travel, Music, Engineering, and Science.

CareerOneStop interest analysis

CareerOneStop's Interest Rating is a quick and easy way to get a list of careers that may match your interests. It takes about 5 minutes to answer 30 questions about what you like and dislike. increase.

After completing the assessment, you will receive a list of matching occupations along with information on salaries, educational requirements, and job prospects. For the jobs you are most interested in, you can see detailed information about the jobs and how to get started.

CareerOneStop Value Matcher

Work values ​​are what people consider most important about their work. You can find a well-paid job, work as part of a team, work independently, or get a job that helps others. Use CareerOneStop's Work Values ​​Matcher tool to find careers and employers that match your personal values.  This test asks questions about different aspects of your job and workplace to help you find your ideal work environment. It only takes a few minutes to sort the cards in order of most importance.

CareerOneStop Skill Matcher

CareerOneStop's Skills Matcher allows users to rate the skills they want to incorporate into their careers. They are more likely to not only have essential skills such as reading, writing, speaking, scientific thinking, and critical thinking, but also Evaluate social, technical, analytical and computer. , problem solving, and resource management skills to find careers that work well together.

Kashi Temper Sorter

The Keirsey Temperament Sorter Rating helps you understand your personality type and find out what type of temperament you have.Your temperament influences job satisfaction, job seeking strategies and job performance . It takes 15-20 minutes for the evaluation to complete. A free description of the profile is provided along with the option to purchase the full report.

O*NET Interests Profiler

My Next Move's O*NET Interest Profiler is administered by the U.S. Department of Labor. Users take a 60-question interest inventory that yields a profile of interest tendencies, including six areas:
Realistic, Investigative, Social, Enterprising, Conventional, and Artistic.

You will see a list of careers related to each cluster and will then be able to sort those careers into five job zones representing different levels of preparation, ranging from little job preparation to extensive preparation. The site also has extensive career information related to a variety of careers.

Red Bull Wingfinder

Take a free 35-minute online personality assessment to identify and leverage your strengths in four different areas of your personality, including connections, creativity, thinking, and drive.

Wingfinder test-takers immediately receive a free feedback report containing an analysis of their strengths, career advice, and coaching from Red Bull athletes who have the same strengths.


With the TestColor test, a team of clinical psychologists, psychoanalysts, and mathematicians leads you through a two-part color selection process to determine your personality and aptitude. It only takes a few minutes to complete by first clicking the colors you like the best, then those you like the least. Initial results are free and comprehensive, but you can pay for more detailed analysis.

True career personality profiler

Truity's Career Personality Profiler helps you assess your interests and personality traits to find the best career options for you. Learn about industries that match college majors, careers, and outcomes. The test also reports on activities, projects and tasks that you would like to work on.

The test has 94 questions and takes about 10-15 minutes. The summary of survey results and career suggestions is free, but there is a charge to receive the full report. True Photo Career Quiz

This quiz only takes a few minutes and is fun and easy to answer. Just click on your favorite photo from the photo series to take the free Photo Career His Quiz. You will see profiles of careers you are interested in and you can search for careers based on your profile of interest and view more information.

How To Explore Career Options?

Once you've generated a list of potential career options, you can take a closer look at what each job entails to learn whether it would be right for you. Enter a job title in CareerOneStop's Occupation Profile tool to get details on the occupation, including a job description, required experience, education or training, earnings potential, and job outlook.

The U.S. Department of Labor's Occupational Outlook Handbook is a career guide with information on occupation groups and individual jobs. It provides details on what workers do on the job, the work environment, training, education, and certification needed to get started in the occupation, median pay, and expected job prospects.

Where To Get Career Advice

Even though career quizzes and aptitude tests are helpful, getting professional assistance is one of the best ways to get help planning your career. A career counselor or coach can help you explore options, plan your career, and achieve your employment goals.


Many colleges and universities offer free career counseling for both students and alumni. If you are a college graduate, check available services.